-What's the most polite way to decline a review?
I'm not sure the most polite way but, I always like to be honest. I'll just say that the plot doesn't really interest me, I'm being selective with the review copies I accept, I only accept YA, or I don't accept ebooks, or whatever the case may be. I also make sure to tell the person not to hesitate in contacting me about another book. I would never want them to be afraid to ask again!
-What's the most professional way to accept a review? (I know when I get a email asking, I get all giddy but I don't want to sound immature in replying)
Most importantly: Say thank you. Whoever requested your review values your review. That always deserves a thanks! Also, make sure to stay professional.
Paperback or hardcover?
I prefer hardcover because they look better on my shelf and last longer but, if I'm the one buying, paperback is usually cheaper ;)
Paranormal or Contemporary?
I don't have a preference as long as it's good!
Series or Standalone?
Probably standalone unless the characters are really relatable or I really like the story.
Girls or boys POV in books?
I love both but, guys point of view is usually rare so I'll take all I can get! It's interesting to see how a guy would handle a situation :)
Why blog?
It gives me people to talk to about books. I've also made lots of friends through blogging. It also gives me something to work toward: Improving my blog! I <3 blogging! :)
Twitter or Facebook?
Twitter for blog stuff, facebook for friend stuff.
Coke or Pepsi?
Coke, by far.
Buy or Library?
I'm not sure. I love having a book to keep on my shelf but, the library is free!
What do you use as a bookmark?
Everything. Tissues, Napkins, Pens, Sticky Notes, Actual Bookmarks, Letters, Stamps, Homework, and so on...and so on.....
Thanks for all your questions everyone! I hope you'll ask more soon!
Lol. I just had to throw in the Coke or Pepsi thing :)